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The St. Joe Valley Watercolor Society Presents

Sweeten Up Your Art Career
The Artist Sampler Workshop

The 2012 Artist Sampler Workshop
has been cancelled

Isn't it time that you took your art career to the next level?
  • Are you just getting your art career started?
  • Have you had some artistic success and want more?
  • Do you dream about making a living as a "full-time" artist?
  • Do you wonder if you could turn your art hobby into a profitable business?
  • Or do you just need a kick-start in a new direction?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then our Spring Workshop Sweeten Up Your Art Career is for you!

Sweeten Up Your Art Career - An Artist Sampler Workshop
will feature short lectures and mini workshops to get you painting, help launch your art career, and re-invigorate your artistic drive.

Get started by clicking the menu options at left!