

Membership is open to anyone interested or active in watercolor painting. The membership fee is $35.00 per year, $40.00 if paid after January 31.

Members receive a newsletter prior to each meeting and a membership directory.

Benefits of membership:

  • Learn from award-winning artists and business professionals as they give demonstrations and talks at our meetings.
  • Participate in the Leeper Park Art Fair, a nationally known, top-rated fair with over 100 artists from across America.
  • Exhibit and sell your art in regional juried and non-juried exhibits throughout the year.
  • Win monetary awards in our annual juried exhibit.
  • Display your art on the St. Joe Valley Watercolor Society website.
  • Become a part of the artist community; discover art fairs, contests and exhibits.
  • Meet other artists, go on art field trips and take part in painting expeditions.

Click here for a membership form.

Visit our meetings – even if you are not a member!
The meetings begin at 1:30 and are held upstairs in the second floor studios at the South Bend Museum of Art, 120 South St. Joseph Street, South Bend, Indiana 46601.



SJVWS members Audrey Davis, Lynn Edison, and Doni Hoevel at the Leeper Park Art Fair